Owl Magic

Persephone picks 

a handful of flowers

from a warm spring field 

and seeks their seeds within.

Persephone travels 

willingly or not,

with Hades deep below the earth,

owl-led each year

to the place where seeds are born.

And so Persephone finds the seeds of one potential:

 ice caps melting, tides flooding, 

refugees moving, oceans choked with plastic,

animals dying, a dying planet,


And travels owl-led

ever deeper into the underworld

seeking seeds for better potential,

and in the darkest underworld 

she finds a ripened pomegranate,

the Ur seed of new beginnings

from earth’s deep womb,

bursting with the smallest 

red seeds of potential 

ready to sprout.

~ Mary Petiet, excerpt from Owl Magic

This blog was inspired by my brand new book Owl Magic: Your Guide Through Challenging Times.

Available Now

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Praise for Owl Magic

A new title for a new moment. Combining the creative force of the feminine divine with the wisdom of the owl, this book guides you through the anxiety of the current moment. Owl Magic helps reclaim your intuitive power so you can build a better future from the position of your highest self.

Owl Magic takes you gently by the hand and leads you to deeper self-awareness and self-actualization through stories, myths, meditations, and writing prompts, inviting us to peel back the layers of who we are and how we navigate an imperfect world so we can step into our true power.

About Owl Magic

Times of change are the times of greatest transformation. 

  • Meet today’s challenges with the life-affirming power of your own intuition. 
  • Open the Owl Magic toolbox of simple anxiety-busting strategies designed to reveal your hidden power. 
  • Journey at your own pace through guided meditations, stories, poems, yoga poses, and writing prompts. 
  • This unique interactive guide provides many routes to your highest self so you can seize the incredible potential of the present moment.

What seeds are you planting now?

The autumn dark descends earlier each twilight, but that doesn’t have to leave you cold.

Now is the time for deep interior work. The early dark signals the great turning within, the ancestral soul-seeking, the ancient memory tugging at the edge of the psyche as the afternoon fades and the moon peeks over the clouds.

Brew your tea. Cast your spells, sit within your quiet, and choose your focus, for what you focus on will surely grow.

Where I am in the Netherlands the dark comes early indeed. But the Dutch have a tradition of keeping things cozy, so the night is lit with flickering candles and met with warmth inside. It is time to reflect and take stock, and as we face increasingly challenging times ahead, it is time to care for ourselves and each other.

Persephone by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The descent is necessary so the return can happen.

In descending, find your ripest, most potent pomegranate seeds, and bring them back safely to plant them in fertile soil that they may flourish. Our job right now is to find the seeds, our mission to plant them well, and our goal to see them grow.

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About Mary Petiet

Mary Petiet writes with a passion for connecting and empowering women to live from their highest selves.

She is the author of Minerva’s Owls and Moon Tide: Cape Cod Poems, and a contributor to the anthologies Jesus, Muhammad, and the GoddessShe Rises, vol.2, and Awaken the Feminine!: Dismantling Domination to Restore Balance on Mother Earth. Her work has appeared in Feminism and ReligionSage WomanThe Wayfarer, and she is a contributor to Mother House of the Goddess.

Join Mary on Facebook or online at www.marypetiet.com and be the first to hear about her new books. She loves to hear from readers at marypetiet@gmail.com and is available for work with book groups and online readings. If you love Owl Magic, please be sure to tell your friends and leave a review on Amazon and Good Reads.